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Master Lock® Vault Home

The Master Lock Vault Home System is the Platform for Personal Use - Typically Fewer than 10 Locks. Support in this section is for the Master Lock Vault Home app and web interface which can be identified by the orange/white app.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I unlock the padlock without the app?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What phones are compatible with Master Lock Bluetooth lock boxes?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Personal Use

    How do I obtain the Activation Code for my Bluetooth 4400 or 4401 padlock?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What if my lock battery dies?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    My 4401 outdoor lock lights green but the lock won't unlock. How do I unlock it?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What if my Guest does not have a Bluetooth enabled device?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    How long will the 4401 series battery last?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Is it possible to update the firmware on the lock or lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    How do I revoke access to a Guest?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Are these locks or lock boxes susceptible to Bluetooth hacking?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    My Master Lock Bluetooth padlock will not relock. What should I do?

    Category: Support for Bluetooth Padlocks

    How many locks can I add to my Master Lock Vault Home account?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Why do I need a Master Lock Vault account to register my lock?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What if my phone's Bluetooth isn't working?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Can the 4400 series be used outdoors?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What phones are the locks and lock boxes compatible with?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    The keypad on my 4401DLH outdoor lock has frozen so the buttons cannot be pressed. What should I do?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    How do I find the Activation Code in the packaging?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Can the 4401 series be used outdoors?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Why can't I open the battery drawer/door to replace the battery?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    How long will the 4400 series battery last?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What is the Product Warranty for the Master Lock Bluetooth padlocks and Bluetooth Safe Space lock boxes?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What battery does the 4401 series use?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    App Download / Device Compatibility

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What if my phone battery dies?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    I replaced the battery in my lock. Why does the app still show the low battery icon?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Are these locks or lock boxes susceptible to Bluetooth “hacking”?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Why do I need a Master Lock Vault account to register my lock or lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    Where can I find the app?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What battery does the 4400 series use?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    I replaced the battery in my lock or lock box. Why does the lock LED still light yellow?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What is the size and clearance of the 4401 series shackle?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use

    What is the size and clearance of the 4400 series shackle?

    Category: Bluetooth Padlocks for Personal Use