Lost Keys & Key Replacements
Have you lost the key to your lock? Need a replacement key? We’re here to help.
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Lost Keys
You can securely store your combination or key number with us so that you never lose it. If you lose your key, the number can be used at a locksmith or a hardware store for a new one.
If you still have a physical key, you should be able to get it duplicated from a local hardware store or locksmith. If you don’t have a key to reference, then another option is knowing your key number to place a special order via a authorized distributor.
If both are not an option, then contacting a locksmith to open or remove your lock would be your resolution.
If you recorded the key number, you may be able to get replacement keys from a hardware store or locksmith. If you didn't record the number, contact a locksmith to remove your lock.
Please note there will likely be a fee for this service.
No. Without the key number, there is no way for Master Lock to know which key will open your lock. There is not a master key that will open all Master Lock products.
Key Replacements
Most lock models have an option to match an existing key when ordering new locks. With a wide variety of locks Master Lock offers, we recommend contacting a distributor or our call center for confirmation.
We do not supply replacement keys directly to customers. Instead, you may try another hardware store in your area or contacting a locksmith to see if they can produce a replacement key.
Check with a local locksmith to see if they can duplicate a replacement key. Sometimes, replacement keys are not available for every model of lock. If this is the case, you may need to purchase a new lock.
Product Support
Set-your-own combination instructions, combination reset, lost combination help
Lock maintenance, warranty information, part replacements
Combination charts, lock service, lock replacements
Bluetooth locks & lock boxes, padlock service
Adding & removing users, app support, lock settings
Replacement parts, commercial door lock service, residential hardware support
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Batteries, warranty information, lost key or combination help